Back in the spring (which feels like a lifetime ago) when we were first told all schools are closed and we must stay home until further notice, the Richmond Art Center responded immediately with asking all their teaching artists (dream team I am lucky to be a part of) to re-direct all their teaching powers into creating short ‘Distance Learning’ videos with art activities to share with students in the community. We all just jumped in the water of video editing and content creation and came up with some creative things kids can do at home with supplies they may have around.
There’s definetly and awkward learning curve to this kind of content creation, but it was also refreshing to just step outside my comfort zone like that. I have since done some ‘live’ teaching on zoom, and find that type of awkwardness to be a bit more rewarding. It’s hard to teach with no live feedback. Also, I am getting better at knowing my camera is, and not talking off frame. Also they got shorter with time. I did two lessons on making zines and one pencil rendering demo. You can see all three on the RAC website where you can also find links to all the lessons made by the rest of the teaching artists dream team.